On request, we undertake the planning of the central lubrication system and the establishment of lubrication plans in dxf, dwg or pdf format for you. Installation and maintenance of the system is carried out on request also by our staff.

Customer list maintenance and assembly:

ArcelorMittal Ruhrort GmbH
Audi AG
Borsig ZM Compression GmbH
Bosal GmbH
Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH
E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH
Ford-Werke AG
Goodyear Dunlop Tires Germany GmbH
General Motors Company
Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH
NEUMAN & ESSER Deutschland GmbH & Co.KG
Nordzucker AG
OMV Deutschland GmbH
Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH
Schuler SMG GmbH & Co.KG
SMS Meer GmbH
Stahlwerke Annahütte GmbH & Co.KG
ThyssenKrupp Rothe Erde GmbH
Volkswagen AG